How Long Does It Take To Get Veneers?

How Long Does it Take to Get Dental Veneers in Westlake Village?

Have you ever looked at someone’s smile and wondered how they got so lucky to have such a perfect smile?  Most people are not born with flawless teeth.  For a lot of people, including celebrities, they attain their smiles with the help of cosmetic dentistry.  There are many treatment options out there that transform smiles, but for many, porcelain veneers are the quickest and most affordable treatment option.  In comparison to other cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as implants or even orthodontic braces, veneers are less invasive and are one of the easiest options for a smile makeover.

 Why Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are wafer-thin sheaths of dental-grade porcelain that are made custom for each patient and are an effective way to change a tooth’s color, shape, or size.  They are used to correct a multitude of cosmetic imperfections, including staining and discoloration, gaps or spaces between teeth, chipped teeth, teeth that appear crooked or uneven, and teeth that appear to be too short.  Porcelain veneers look very natural, are stain-resistant, strong, and easy to maintain.

 What Should You Expect During the Procedure?

The veneer process in its entirety usually involves several visits. At the first visit, you will meet with Dr. Choi to discuss your goals for your teeth and what you hope to achieve. Dr. Choi will then take photos and impressions of your teeth, and create a provisional try-in so you can get an idea of what your teeth will look like.

At the second appointment, your teeth will be prepared for veneers.  A small amount of the enamel is removed so the veneers can fit properly and securely; Dr. Choi is conservative in that he likes to preserve as much of the enamel as possible.  You will have temporary veneers attached to protect your teeth while your veneers are being created.

The impressions of your teeth are then sent to our trusted lab where a lab technician crafts your custom veneers. Once we have received the final restoration, you will return to have the veneers placed.  Dr. Choi makes sure you are completely happy with the color and look of your veneers before cementing them; at that point, they can still be adjusted. The veneers cannot be changed once they are cemented in place.

Veneers can be cared for the same way you would care for your natural teeth, by brushing, flossing, and seeing your hygienist regularly for teeth cleanings.


Don’t spend another day wishing you had a movie star smile. Call our office or book online to schedule an appointment today! (805) 494-4887.

February, 2024